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One of STEP’s core functions is offering management consultancy services to our clients. Through this service, we aim to deliver the support and guidance required to enable our clients to obtain and maintain certification standards. Our track record notwithstanding, we often come across prospective clients who don’t understand the value of management consultants. With this article, we hope to demystify our profession.

Having a Reliable Expert by your Side


When you engage a professional management consultant you are starting a partnership that will develop as time progresses. Just like the relationship you have with your accountant, the consultant will learn to understand your business, your team, and indeed, even you. He or she will act as an advisor, assisting your business to attain the goals it has set itself out to achieve.

When you engage a professional and experienced management consultant you are essentially purchasing know-how. Most people would be able to read and understand the basics of any international standard, such as ISO. However, knowing best practices and how to implement changes in specific sectors is something that requires years of practical experience to obtain. You can tap into such exclusive know-how by simply hiring a competent consultant.

At STEP, we pride ourselves on having helped numerous organisations in Malta to attain international standards. Whilst the country is small in size, it is rich in industry variety, and this has given us an opportunity to consult in a diverse range of environments. As a result, we are quickly able to identify the most appropriate standards and methods of achieving them. We consider, amongst many other criteria, characteristics such as the number of employees, paper-based vs online-based, management availability, and budget.

The Value of Being a Professional


You might have heard the quote, “If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur.” These are the spoken words of Red Adair, an oil well firefighter who was able to accurately describe the value of a professional. If you’re still not convinced, how about checking up on the Jesus Christ fresco in Spain which was “restored” in 2012?

A professional management consultant will take on many roles within your organisation. One of the more critical ones is acting as an interpreter of industry jargon and procedures. He or she will act as your go-between, providing accurate and practical information to help you attain your business ambitions. As part of these responsibilities, the consultant will seek opportunities to improve efficiency within your organisation and provide feedback on whether your business is ready for certification or if more progress is needed.


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