The ISO implementation lifecycle charts all the stages your company will go through until it achieves certification. STEP will be with you all the way.
Creating a project plan which ensures all stakeholders have visibility of the project and its progress over time.
Gap analysis
A gap analysis aims to understand the strengths of the company and build on them, as well and identify any weaknesses which need to be addressed.
This process is conducted over a series of meetings with process owners where we discuss and review the systems being used during key operational and support processes. The information gathered helps us identify and suggest techniques that can simplify processes and achieve ISO certification more effectively.

Our professionals will write all the required documentation to sort out your work processes, increase transparency and raise work output.
Implementation Training
This training ensures that everyone within the company is on board and aware of the requirements to be implemented such that the process towards certification is done efficiently by your company.
During this stage, STEP will provide samples and templates of documents, procedures and forms which can be used during the implementation. Furthermore, we will provide training, assistance and best practices consultancy such that the process towards certification is done efficiently by your company.
We will assist your company during the implementation of the actions required to bridge the gap and achieve conformance to ISO, giving your team time to get accustomed to best practices until they are fully integrated into your daily operations.
Internal Audit or Review
We will create an internal audit plan and perform an ISO internal audit which will document all the findings identified in a report. This is then presented to your company and a discussion about the findings identified is carried out.

Assistance in a certification body selection
We will assist the client in selecting the right certification body and helps to introduce the client to accredited certification bodies. The certification bodies will, in turn, quote for their services to perform a certification audit.
An external audit by an independent company that serves to confirm the commitment of the company to implement the requirements of the respective standard. Our team will be present during the audit to assist in answering questions, especially in relation to the design and implementation of your management system.